Our story

the vision

from the beginning

Asteroid is local interconnection at its best. Our IXPs provide a simple, modern and cost-effective interconnection solution with a full feature set, an elegant management system, and a powerful API.


We focus on

local interconnection, where you need it.

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failure is not an option

Our innovative model uses the latest technology to deliver cost-effective IXPs. Our IXP platform is fully automated and highly scalable, because we believe in smart solutions.

Phone Number:

0123 - 456 - 780



You Deserve The Best Defence Lawyers

over 30 years of law experience

the key to success

Practice Areas

Duis cursus, massa a ornare mattis, dui mi pretium mauris, allc dictum purus erat eget magna. Nunc nulla turpis, eleifend non scelerisque egestas, rutrum accumsan mi. In hac habitasse plat dictumst Etiam quis ipsum justo.
Active internet exchanges
drug crimes
tax law
legal advice

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Asteroid is a global interconnection platform innovator. They operate neutral Internet exchange points (IXPs) worldwide, and work with trusted parties in local markets to deliver their innovative IXP platform locally, wherever there is a need.